According to rumors that have been making rounds on social media, media personality Precious Remmie is set to introduce her lover Bindeeba in a very secretive traditional ceremony that is meant to take place today, 24th June, 2022.
It is rumored that the ceremony is to be held at Kawanda, Kanyogoga Wakiso District at 11: 00 Am, and only invited guests are expected to grace the function, no more and no less. The ceremony has been kept simple and secretive because even at the start of their relationship, they received very negative remarks that their relationship would not last and it would not stand the test of time.
There were very many obstacles obviously and even when storms hurled her way, Remmie refused to give in, sticking by her promise to stay by Bindeeba’s side despite all the hurdles. (As the saying goes, when the world gives you lemons, make a lemonade)
According to the invitation cards that have been making rounds on the internet, children are not to attent the ceremony and only a few close friends are to attend as every card only invites one person, meaning it will act as a ticket and whoever does not have it is not to step foot at the ceremony.(Talk about secretive, huh.)
We congratulate the couple and we wish them a long life together.