Bindeeba was set to be introduced by his lover Precious Remmie yesterday in a secretive Kukyala ceremony. The ceremony turned out beautiful as anticipated. The invited guests turned up in the smallest numbers as they were expected by the host and the day went by beautifully.
One of the things that caught people’s attention however was just before the introduction ceremony when Zahara Toto decided to make the groom a laughing stock all over the internet, labelling him a fashion misfit and granting him free advice on fashion tips and the dos and donts for his fashion sense on his own kukyala.

The self proclaimed fashion police, Zahara Toto advised Bindeeba to stop dressing up like a misguided youth and instead try to emulate his age to give respect to the elders, more so the parents of his bride. She taunted him and mentioned that he needed to act according to his age and also bring out the proper image of a wonderful son in law..
Zahara threw a harsh throw back on Bindeeba’s fashion sense during his kukyala. She mentioned that he went ahead to disgrace his attire by crowning his look with sunglasses, something that did not go well with the public. (Hahahaha). She mentioned that he needed to get rid of such fashion mannerisms because he is way past that age of fashion.

Zahara harshly mentioned that for his aintroductiin ceremony, Bindeeba should endeavour to look presentable unlike the kukyala where the only thing everyone noticed about him were the sunglasses, something which was by all means a turn off for revelers.(she has a point though, right?). I give credit to Bindeeba however because he still left revelers paralysed when he turned up for his introduction ceremony with the shades intact!( My, what a man)
Our muko Bindeeba I want him to leave those sunglasses on the introduction ceremony. Last time that’s the only thing we saw and it’s not okay. He should change and start behaving like a real married man
zahara toto