Most apostles and men of God have turned the house of God into a money making venture or some sort of business. They have resorted to robbing their flock just for their own benefits. It is not written anywhere in the Bible that God would want to see his followers be oppressed into giving away everything they own, turning into beggars just for the so called loyalty to the gospel.
Apostle Deo Ssemakula for a long time now has been witnessed to ask his flock for monetary gains or for assets in exchange for blessings, something that seems not to add up for them. Recently, he asked his congregation to hand over their land that they had acquired from God to be sown as a send into his church.

The apostle, who is known for asking his congregants to give him money for blessings, said God told him to inform all those who have land to give to his ministry in Jesus’s name. He mentioned that as God sacrifices for his flock, the reverse should also be practiced and his flock should also sacrifice for him(How synical)
“If you know you have got land from God, be it one acre or 100 by 100 or 50 by 50 or 10 acres or 20 acres we are going sow them in the House of God,” said Apostle Deo Ssemakula.
You can imagine the shock on everyone’s face as they received the calling if god from their apostle. Many looked at him with eyes wide open and also some exchanged confused glances for in order to acquire this land,maybe they did sow seeds and pray over and over again about it but now it was being asked of them as a special seed in order to acquire blessings from God (uuhmm hallelujah?)

A certain lady however decided to honor the word of God as she stood up wildly without a second thought and ran up ahead to the pulpit, dramatically handing over her piece of land in exchange for blessings. The rest of the congregation went wild and clapped hysterically but no one else left their seat to offer their land(They either don’t own land or don’t want to give up their land).