The House of Prayer Ministries lead pastor Aloysius Bugingo has come out to ask his new wife, Suzan Makula Infront of the entire church congregation to please give him twins since the pair does not have even a single child together ever since they started their affair.
A few years ago, Bugingo filed for divorce seeking to end his marriage with Teddy Naluswa, a woman he had been married to for almost three decades. He has continued to defend his decision to replace Naluswa with Suzan Makula Nantaba, a staff member at his Salt Media which runs Salt TV and a string of radio stations. Even when Netizens make noise about their relationship, he continues to shower his wifey with love.

During a recent service, Pastor Bugingo was preaching about Joshua and Caleb in the story of the spies that Moses sent out on a mission to explore Canaan, the promised land of milk and honey before the Israelites could conquer it, as detailed in Numbers 13.
Bugingo mentioned that he was very impressed by the faith of the Caleb-Joshua duo and revealed that if Makula gave him twins, he would name them after these powerful men of Jehova and he would raise them to be as great as the men in the Bible. Bugingo apologised for making this issue public and that he meant to tell her personally but he was too excited to wait.

There were two youths who went with the spies: Joshua and Caleb. Suzan, please give me twins, we shall name them Joshua and Caleb. I should have told you this in secret. This issue is not for the public, it does not concern the public,
Pastor Bugingo
Congz to them