The King Herself, Cindy Sanyu, lost her cool last Friday, October 7, during a performance at Fusion Eco Resort Hotel in Munyonyo. Cindy was utterly dumbfounded and uncomfortable when a section of her fans asked her to perform Zakayo, a song by her political rival, King Saha.

The song is regarded as a diss song to Bebe Cool who is an NRM die-hard who openly showed support for Cindy during the cancelled Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) Presidency elections. Cindy and Saha were the top contenders for the position of UMA president.

During performances with Band Cindy, Cindy often asks her fans to choose any song by any other musicians they want her to sing.While many ask for foreign songs, some opt for local ones. She often takes their wishes as commands, but not this time. Cindy lost her cool and shouted into the microphone, telling her fans that whoever made that request is in the wrong place and she is not sure how they got in.

Who asked me to play Zakayo? Why would you come to Cindy’s show and ask me to play Zakayo? Are you mad? Some of you are in the wrong place. You come to Fusion Eco Resort and ask me to play Zakayo


After the brief moment of fuming, she went on and asked the band to continue with her music. King Saha, upon hearing of what occured at the performance of his rival , said he has no qualms over Cindy refusing to perform his song when requested by the audience as it would bring her trouble (we are still not sure which kind of trouble he meant though.)

She has a right to reject any request, especially one that can bring her trouble. You have to feel sorry for her. In her shoes, anyone would consider that the right decision


Leticia Nambaziira

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