Many Netizens are highly impressed with Next Media Deejay DJ Roja after photos of him standing next to Pinky the musician emerged The photos are no ordinary pictures as according to internet users, this is the picture of the two shortest people in Uganda standing side by side. For the record, the Photos that emerged were taken at the Philip Omondi Stadium during the Play For Hope Charity Celebrity match.

During the event, two teams competed against each other, with one being led by comedy entrepreneur Alex Muhangi who was the key organizer of this event and the other team being led by the gorgeous and beautiful , songstress, Spice Diana.

A local website posted a picture after the match, in which teammates DJ Roja and Pinky who were both in Team Spice Diana , are seen standing next to each other. The website captioned the picture highlighting the fact that DJ Roja has finally found somebody shorter than he is.

Finally, DJ Roja finds somebody he’s taller than,” the website captioned.

This prompted famous comedian Patrick Salvado Idringi to take to his twitter to celebrate the DJ in his own way. Salvado immediately reposted the picture to his twitter and captioned it, mentioning that after a long battle where DJ Roja was alone in the battlefield as the shortest person earth had ever seen, he finally got someone who looks up to him

Finally someone who looks ‘UP’ to DJ Roja.” Captioned Patrick Salvador

However, Salvado was not the only person to poke at DJ Roja. Twitter popular journalist Gabriel Buule also took to his twitter to take his jab at the famous DJ. His was more directed at Pinky as he dissed her for being shorter than the person everyone believed to be the shortest man alive.

Imagine being shorter than uncle @DJ Roja. That is what it means to be as short as life,” he tweeted.

Leticia Nambaziira

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