Singer Kalifah Aganaga real name Mukibi Sadat was one of the many people that tried to ask for a NUP card as he was trying to come in as the Rubaga South Members of Parliament and his request was humbly denied by the party. Aganaga had great faith in the party choice as he believed he was bound to represent his people but once he was denied the card, his hopes of representing Rubaga South went down the drain.

Apparently, Aganaga is still bitter with the National Unity Platform (NUP) led by singer Bobi Wine for denying him the said card. Kalifah Aganaga was sure NUP would give him a card because of his fellow artiste being the president but that did not move anyone into supporting him to get the NUP card.

He ended up disappointed and according to Aganaga, NUP didn’t use the correct strategy while choosing who to give the card to. He said if they had party primary elections, he would have got a card and he would be in Parliament presenting his people, something that did not happen for him.

He mentioned that they did the choosing themselves as the leaders and the choice was not in the hands of the right people hence this is the only reason he did not get the card.

NUP should have used a different strategy to choose candidates meant to represent them. They should have based on primary elections and given a chance to candidates being chosen by the voters rather than doing the choosing themselves,” Kalifah Aganaga

Leticia Nambaziira

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