I bet you have never thought of music as a stress reliever, have you? You would be very surprised to find out just how important music is to your brain. If you did not know, music is a very important tool for relaxing your brain and here is why.

Music can be used as a therapeutic tool to not only reduce stress, but to also promote healing and improve one’s overall emotional well-being. Recent research demonstrates that the use of music in addition to standard therapeutic tools provides additional restorative benefits for people with depression and anxiety, compared to those who received just therapy without the use of music.

The different uses may include listening to music, playing a musical instrument, singing along to music as well as using guided imagery with music. It is surprising how music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and hence help you to concentrate better.

Upbeat Unbeaten the other hand can make you feel more optimistic and somewhat positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing all the stress of the day. It is undeniable that music is effective for relaxation as well as stress management.

Music as a stress reliever

The type of music that reduces stress.

What type of music reduces stress the best? You may wonder. The biggest surprise I want to unfold for you is that Native American, Celtic, Indian stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud.

Sounds of rain, thunder, and nature sounds may also be relaxing, most particularly when mixed with other music, such as light jazz, classical, something that is referred to as “the “largo” movement, and easy listening music. It is therefore advisable to consider music as a stress reliever.

How to choose the best relaxation music.

Since with music we are rarely told the beats per minute, how do you choose the relaxation music that is best for you? The answer partly rests with you. You must first like the music being played, and only then will it relax you. You could start by simply exploring the music on the internet.

Some may relax you, some may not. Forcing yourself to listen to relaxation music that irritates you is rather dangerous because it can create tension rather than reduce it. If that happens, try looking for other alternatives on the internet or consult with Counseling Service staff for wonderful musical suggestions.

It is important to remember that quieting your mind does not mean you will automatically feel sleepy. It means your brain and body are relaxed, and with your new calm self, you can then function at your best in many activities.

Music as a stress reliever

Music as a stress reliever.

Music can make us feel good.

There is solid evidence that music stimulates the production of dopamine, which is the “feel good” hormone in our bodies. Through the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a 2011 study demonstrated that dopamine increased in the brain when listeners experienced positive emotions in the same areas of the brain where pleasure is experienced when food and other sorts of cravings are satisfied.

These findings do shed light on why music has played such a significant role shaping culture and is a source of pleasure for human beings throughout human history. Music is an integral part of life’s milestones and just about every significant life event across cultures, including weddings, birthday celebrations, funerals and religious activities involves music.

Improves physical Health.

In addition to helping human beings experience positive emotions, listening to music has also been associated with improving our physical health and well-being. There is good reason to believe that even more benefits are gained from music therapy when it is used not as a random activity, but as an intentional strategy to improve health and well-being.

One study demonstrated that listening to music while taking a break reduced the prevalence of stress among front-line nurses, a profession that has long been known to have high rates of stress and occupational burn-out.

In this study, participants were divided into two groups. One group listened to soothing music of their choice for 30 minutes while the other group rested quietly sitting in a chair for the same length of time. When outcomes were compared for the two groups, nurses who listened to music had lower perceived stress levels, lower levels of cortisol in their bloodstream and lower heart rates when compared to the group that rested in the chair.

Music as a stress reliever.

Improves emotional health.

Music is a powerful tool that can switch off the stress response and in turn improve our emotional health. Whether one listens to, plays or sings doesn’t matter. All of it has proven benefits of its own in relation to stress relief.

Music can be an extremely useful tool for a wide range of audiences for stress relief since it is free or low-cost and readily available through a vast array of digital outlets. Any activity we engage in can be mindful and music provides the ultimate outlet to get lost or immerse oneself in something other than the thoughts in one’s head.

The best news yet is that anyone can put a playlist together on their devices with music that aids in stress reduction.

It is undeniable that when you look at music as a stress reliever, it is the most effective and yet most affordable way to escape stress and anxiety. Music is better than any pills and any kind of therapy therefore.


Without music, life would be a mistake.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idolswa

Frequently Asked Questions.

What type of music is good for stress relief?
Classical music is the best for stress relief. Classical music has been shown to be one of the most calming genres of music. It has been found to be helpful in managing stress due to its slow tempo and intricate harmonies. Studies have shown that listening to classical music can lead to decreased levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.

How does music help mental health?
Research shows that music can have a beneficial effect on brain chemicals such as dopamine, which is linked to feelings of pleasure, and oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone.” And there is quite enough evidence that music can help lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

How can music help with memory?
Listening to and performing music reactivates areas of the brain associated with memory, reasoning, speech, emotion, and reward. Two recent studies, one in the United States and the other in Japan found that music doesn’t just help us retrieve stored memories, it also helps us lay down new ones

Is it good to sleep with music on?
Yes, you got it. Music improves sleep through calming parts of the autonomic nervous system, leading to slower breathing, lower heart rate, and reduced blood pressure. Many people with poor sleep associate their bedrooms with frustration and sleepless nights. Music can counteract this, distracting from troubling or anxious thoughts.

Can music help you study?
Yes of course. Music can motivate you, improve your mood, and help you relax. It can even help you focus so you can study or work. But different types of music can have different effects. Many people find music helps them concentrate while studying and working.

Leticia Nambaziira

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